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Links to resources in NS and Canada


Please consider consulting or using one or some of the resources below for help, support, care, and/or recovery. You are never alone. (Note: this is not a comprehensive list.)



Crisis Resources


Break The Silence NS


Good2Talk Nova Scotia (for post-secondary students)


Kids Help Phone


Nova Scotia sexual assault centres​



Medical Resources


Nova Scotia's  Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE)  



Mental Health Resources


Avalon Centre's Community-Based Sexualized Violence Trauma Therapy Program



Legal Resources


Independent legal advice for adult survivors of sexual assault (Nova Scotia)


Nova Scotia Department of Justice Victim Services Programs


RCMP Information for sexual assault survivors



Protection and Shelter Services


THANS (Transition House Association of Nova Scotia)




Research, Education, Policy, Advocacy, and/or Intervention


Action Now Atlantic (campaign to end sexual and gender-based violence at universities in Atlantic Canada)


Ending Violence Association of Canada


REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors)


Students For Consent Culture Canada​




Sexual Health and Reproductive Resources



Halifax Sexual Health Centre




Further Information


Canadian Women's Foundation: The Facts About Sexual Assault and Harassment



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